The gardens and fields and all the natural world are glorious in June and The Shepherd's Calendar by John Clare, though written a little after the true Regency period (1827), is wonderfully descriptive.
JUNENOW Summer is in flower, and Nature’s humIs never silent round her bounteous bloom;.....Fine cabbage-roses, painted like her face;The shining pansy, trimm’d with golden lace;The tall topp’d larkheels, feather’d thick with flowers;The woodbine, climbing o’er the door in bowers;The London tufts, of many a mottled hue;The pale pink pea, and monkshood darkly blue:The white and purple gilliflowers, that stayLing’ring, in blossom, summer half away;The single blood-walls, of a luscious smell,Old-fashion’d flowers which housewives love so well;The columbines, stone-blue, or deep night-brown,Their honeycomb-like blossoms hanging down,Each cottage-garden’s fond adopted child,Though heaths still claim them, where they yet grow wild;With marjoram knots, sweet-brier, and ribbon-grass,And lavender, the choice of ev’ry lass,And sprigs of lad’s-love—all familiar names,Which every garden through the village claims.
The ladies' fashions echo the colours of the garden and the airy delights of June.
Evening Dress Ackermann's Repository of Arts June 1820 |
The Lady's Magazine Paris Dress June 1802 |
Cobourg Walking Dress La Belle Assemblee June 1816 |
Home furnishings reflected, and framed, the joys of early summer:
Three designs for window draperies from Ackermann's Repository of Arts June 1820 |
Likewise The Farmer's Calendar of 1804 has lists of tasks, but it has no time for niceties such as introductions; it plunges directly into work:
But always I return to gardens in June. Whether cottage or castle, June is made for gardens.
And I offer you this bouquet, from June.