A New Contest for the New Year

The winner of the November/December contest for the book "Panoramas of England" and the fan was Joy from the U. S. A. Congratulations, Joy! Thank you to everyone for signing the guestbook. The prize in the first contest of 2010 for January and February is a well-known book first published 100 years ago in 1910 "Vanishing England".
The authors' introduction begins "We wish to describe with pen and pencil those features of England which are gradually disappearing, and to preserve the memory of them." Thank goodness they did. The book has been reprinted many times in the ensuring hundred years and this is a 1994 edition, gently used. Visit my contest page to see a larger picture of the book. I hope you will sign the guestbook again by February 28, 2009 to be entered for the new draw. Click here to go to my main website. Guestbook link is near the bottom of the home page.
COMING IN May 2010 - "The Harmless Deception" A new full length Regency romance!
Available! -"Lost in Almack's"
My newest 'Novel Byte' short Regency fiction piece "Lost in Almack's" and my four other 'Novel Bytes' are still available from Uncial Press. When Lady Genevra Haven becomes lost in the back corridors and staircases of Almack's she needs courage and ingenuity, as well as charm and confidence, to avoid social ruin and salvage her successful debut. Romance Reviews Today says "a delightfully fun and lively foray". Click here to purchase "Lost in Almack's"
Regency World News
There is a new story, especially appropriate for this new year, on my story page. Please go to The Hogmanay List

There is new information added to my Regency World at the Portrait Gallery page, the literature page Great Writers of the Regency Period and the art page Art and Artists.There is also a new picture on the Colouring Book page--of an English lady dressed, or perhaps in the process of dressing, for a morning at home.
If you would like to become my friend at Facebook, I would be delighted to meet you! And follow me at Twitter for all-Regency tweets and my latest news!
Treats for Regency fans from Regency Fancies -- at CafePress.com
Treat yourself to Regency themed T-shirts, tote bags, stationery and decorative items from Regency Fancies the store at CafePress.com that artist Shakoriel and I have established. You can buy the Fashions of Regency England Colouring Book and a variety of other products there all embellished with Shakoriel's Regency art. Visit us at Regency Fancies
That's all for this time. Watch for guest bloggers coming soon--my new venture for the blog this year. I hope to have a visitor for you on the last Friday of each month, but I'm still in the process of setting this up so watch for further details.
Ooh, guest bloggers. Looking forward to it, Lesley-Anne!
Thanks,Janet! January 29, Linore Rose Burkhard will be here. More to come--
The book looks interesting. Having a record of old building s is important. One never knows when they will be torn down an their history lost.
Enjoy roaming around your site.
I'm so glad you come to my site and enjoy yourself. I maintain it all myself, and I really enjoy doing that. Come back soon!
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