A New Contest for the Holiday Season
The winner of the September/October contest for the Regency Fancies' tote bag with artwork by Shakoriel from "Lost in Almack's" is Vanessa from the U. S. A. Congratulations, Vanessa! Thank you to everyone for signing the guestbook during the autumn.
The prize in the November/December contest is an out-of-print book "Panoramas of England". I found another copy of this great book, and thought you might enjoy a chance again to win it. And because it is the holiday season, and Christmas will soon be upon us, I will be including in the prize a delightful reproduction fan, in its own silk case. Visit my contest page to see larger pictures of both the book and the fan.

I hope you will sign the guestbook by December 30, 2009 to be entered for the new draw.
There is a new page added to my Regency World--Views of Regency London. London in the Regency era was very different from the present day city, and these pictures give the Regency reader a glimpse of the world we all would love to visit. 

Perfect Christmas gifts for all lovers of the Regency World are available at Regency Fancies the store

Now Available! - "Lost in Almack's"

I am delighted to announce that my new 'Novel Byte' short Regency fiction piece "Lost in Almack's" is now available from Uncial Press.
When Lady Genevra Haven becomes lost in the back corridors and staircases of Almack's she needs courage and ingenuity, as well as charm and confidence, to avoid social ruin and salvage her successful debut.
Romance Reviews Today says "a delightfully fun and lively foray".
Click here to purchase "Lost in Almack's"
And don't forget you can find me all over the Internet:
Follow me at Twitter for all-Regency tweets and my latest news!
My Book Videos at YouTube
and of course,
My Artist - Shakoriel
Follow me at Twitter for all-Regency tweets and my latest news!
My Book Videos at YouTube
and of course,
My Artist - Shakoriel
I'll be back next week, with more Regency research and information,
'Til then,
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