Friday, March 5, 2021

 Illness in the family has dominated my time in the last two months, but I am beginning to regain some working intervals as the patient recovers here.

In light of the fact that spring is waxing, here in the northern hemisphere, and Covid-19 seems to be waning, I thought you might enjoy some beautiful spring dresses from the Regency.

Above are "London's Spring Fashions" from La Belle Assemblee of 1806. In 1807, below, gowns were very similar.
La Belle Assemblee April 1807 Evening dress and Walking dress
La Belle Assemblee June 1806 Kensington Garden Promenade Dresses

The dress on the right above shows the changes coming in fashion. The length is shorter, and the band of decoration at the hem shows the trimming that would eventually be the norm at hemlines.

In April of 1811, below, the straight lines of the gown are still evident, the length is considerably shorter than five years earlier.

April 1811 Repository of Arts Ball Dress  

In another five years, below, the skirt had achieved a flare at the bottom and the trimming was most decorative.

April 1817 Repository of Arts Walking Dress

 I must say, all these dresses seem a better and more joyous uniform in which to greet the spring than our customary jeans and T-shirts.

Though clothes don't really matter, I do find it enjoyable to look back at the fashions of the Regency.

'Til next time,


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