Friday, March 13, 2015

"Observations on Fancy-Work"

With considerably fewer entertainment options available than in our current day, the Regency lady was left with only a few courses open to her for the occupation of her leisure at home. She could read, draw, or undertake plain or fancy sewing. But her leisure time was extensive, and myriad handicraft projects were devised and published by such magazines as Ackermann's Repository of Arts. Here is one such craft, given several pages in the June 1810 issue of the journal.

 Of course, Ackermann's shop offered for sale all the materials needed to complete these crafts.

There were eight pages of embossed ornaments illustrated, from the simplest of forms to the very most intricate designs from classical inspirations.

If you would like to see all eight pages, let me know and I can email them to you.

'Til next time,


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